Setting up a UNIX-style native environment on Windows, ZSH, keyboard shortcuts and more…

Switching between macOS, Manjaro and Windows 10, I’ve developed certain habits when using a particular distribution, habits that were broken the moment I switched to another distro, making things difficult for me. This is the first post in a three part series where I try to make Manjaro, Windows 10 and macOS behave more alike to each other.
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Recovering my Windows installation after clearing the partition table

After using diskpart's clean without understanding what it does, I was able to figure out how to get my installation back without a clean install!
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Switching from Windows 10 LTSC to Windows 10 Enterprise without reinstallation

The latest version of Windows 10 LTSC (as of this writing) is on Version 1809 but applications like Microsoft PowerToys Run and WSL2 need Version 1903 or higher, whats an admin gotta do?
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Datamoshing with Ableton Live and modern plugins using sox and convert

Back in school, my first introduction to datamoshing started with posts I read online about using Audacity to use their in-built audio effects. I never really did much with that information until now, I’ve been busy working on ffmpegScripts and finally decided to write some scripts for datamoshing and try it with more modern plugins
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Digging around the developer softwarecatalog dump for macOS Big Sur: The Conclusion

After remaining stuck with files from an obscure archival format, StackExchange comes to the rescue and leads the way to finally (somewhat) extracting macOS Big Sur’s root directory
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